Heritage Istanbul 2023

Being organized for 7th time on 3rd – 5th May 2023, Heritage Istanbul is the pioneering conservation, restoration, archaeology, museum, technology fair and conference aiming at raising the awareness of the cultural heritage in Turkey, committed to the development of the state-of-the-art products, services and technology for its protection.

Supported by the most significant public offices in Turkey such as Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Cultural Assets and Museums, Head Office for Foundations and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Heritage Istanbul achieves becoming a brand in the industry by bringing together the culture savvy community with the esteemed specialists and experts at the lively events as conferences, heritage talks and workshops within the presence of the exhibiting leading international companies serving in the museum, archaeology and restoration industries.

For further information visit the Heritage Istanbul web site: CLICK HERE!


As part of the MIDA fair - Salone dell'Arte e del Restauro in Florence, the programmatic conference for the presentation of the next edition of the SRF of 2024 was held on 28th April 2023. Dr. Emanuele Amodei presented the strategic objectives of the event and the international possibilities that the next exhibition will offer to all sector operators.

For further information visit the Mida web site: CLICK HERE!

Festival Textile Manufacture 2023


The Festival is the international meeting of textile creatives and professionals from 24 to 26 March 2023 in the Castel Mareccio in Bolzano. New, innovative and fascinating. The evocative historic building will be the setting for the display of high quality products from local and international textile workshops and factories. Visitors are offered a unique opportunity to get to know and see products of exquisite workmanship and refined refinement up close. A medieval castle that returns to being a market thanks to unique and suggestive creations.

For further information, also about the next edition, visit the Festival web site: CLICK HERE

Heritage Istanbul 2022

Being organized for the 6th time on 11th – 13th May 2022, Heritage Istanbul is the pioneering conservation, restoration, archaeology, museum, technology fair and conference aiming at raising the awareness of the cultural heritage in Turkey, committed to the development of the state-of-the-art products, services and technology for its protection.

Supported by the most significant public offices in Turkey such as Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Cultural Assets and Museums, Head Office for Foundations and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Heritage Istanbul achieves becoming a brand in the industry by bringing together the culture savvy community with the esteemed specialists and experts at the lively events as conferences, heritage talks and workshops within the presence of the exhibiting leading international companies serving in the museum, archaeology and restoration industries.

For further information visit the Heritage Istanbul web site: CLICK HERE!

Festival Textile Manufacture 2022


The Festival is the international meeting of textile creatives and professionals from 25 to 27 March 2022 in the Castel Mareccio in Bolzano. New, innovative and fascinating. The evocative historic building will be the setting for the display of high quality products from local and international textile workshops and factories. Visitors are offered a unique opportunity to get to know and see products of exquisite workmanship and refined refinement up close. A medieval castle that returns to being a market thanks to unique and suggestive creations.

For further information visit the Festival web site: CLICK HERE

Florence Art and Restoration Fair 2022

The Florence Art and Restoration Exhibition will take place both in presence and online from 18 to 20 May 2022. The exhibitors will be, in fact, visible also in an online platform. The rich calendar will be available in the next weeks. Participants: University of Florence, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, MIC and many companies and cultural realities.

For further information visit the Florence Art and Restoration Exhibition web site: CLICK HERE

The Herifairs Network is present at the Bienal Iberica de patrimonio cultural at Leiria

October 14 2021 - Inauguration Day of the AR&PA Bienal Iberica de Patrimonio Cultural - Leiria (Portugal).
The European Network of Heritage Fairs - Herifairs has been invited as exhibitor to represent and empower the Cultural Heritage sector and to be an influential voice and advocate in promoting the interests of its members at European and international level.

The Bienal Iberica is the third event of the network of this year and it's connected with all the other fairs in Europe.
Heirfairs is the first European network of heritage fairs. Follow us!


Heritage Benelux – October 2021




Heritage Benelux hold the first Benelux Fair on 8 October 2021, in the exhibition halls of the Cultural Complex C-Mine at Genk, together with the institutions and collaborators, the teachers of the schools of Art and Restoration representatives of Flanders, and with the guests of Harifairs offices around the world.

One days of conferences and open lessons to meet and get to know professionals from Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The Heritage Benelux presentation was an overture to the celebrations dedicated to Dante Alighieri, an exhibition of 16 contemporary artists, live concert with compositions especially for the event, insights and a final gala dinner to savor Renaissance recipes.